Saturday, November 17, 2012

A first time for everything.

With starting this blog, I decided I wanted to start to document the DIY projects I have been working on. Well, more like 'telling myself for months that I needed to do.'

Over the last few months I have scoured Craigslist and local thrift shops for pieces that I felt deserved a bit of a second chance. ( don't we all?!) 

I digress... So, the first piece I purchased was a Drexel Heritage desk. 

Somewhat lacking character, I know. BUT... I felt there was a hint of masculine beauty to this one.
I figured after a few sheets of sandpaper (try 30) he/she could be ready for a new life.

Even after sanding and priming, the paint had a bit of trouble adheering. I'm hoping over time and by reading more blogs that I can learn some tricks or tips to help combat that. 

needless to say, after two days of sanding, painting, and more painting, it turned out quite lovely. 

I am such a sucker for white and decided for my first real redo I would stick to something classic and clean. 

I originally planned on purchasing new hardware but I sort of like the brass against the white, so for now it shall stay.

For a first project I think it turned out really nice. I definitely learned a lot in the process and cannot wait to tackle my next project. I think I might see a nice, long Do It Yourself future brewing. 

I would absolutely love to know what you guys think. Any and I mean ANY feedback would be great. 



  1. Looks AWESOME! I, too, am such a sucker for white pieces.

    xoxo, Emily
